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click to read samples Read Sample Poems. Here are a few more randomly numbered poems to browse from among 450+. I hope they'll whet your appetite for more (hundreds more, many available to read free). Click through the following links or use the leaf at upper right.

SAMPLES:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7



We swept fallen leaves from our door; the
leaves we pile each year at Hallow E’en
to treat to trick to delight the kids; but
this was time for Fall’s next warm feast,
giving thanks, turkey day, time to
move on with it all, as time and
as wind rush ever past…

Carolyn picked up one stray fallen leaf
Big and beautiful of dark red blush,
brought it in the house and
laid it on the kitchen counter;
left it on cold gleaming stone,
crazy polished marmor.

I took the dying leaf and scanned it;
I made its final image in this world
—even as bits of rich dark red
Veiny fading leaf crumbled
on the imaging glass.

Nameless leaf made a fine poem and
When I was done I carried it back
To the kitchen in both hands
for her, for me, for us all to love.

On impulse I raised it to my face,
smelled its frail wings, never expecting:
Overwhelmed, I inhaled a warm
Fragrance, more life than decay

perfume of a passing woman, a form,
a skirt, a rhythm, music and secret of life,

her smile, her affection, a flirtation
from her heart to mine: instant understanding,
from one life to another—

her beauty, her triumph, and self-assurance,
a warm lingering vegetal ghost, a spirit, a will,
gone before I could catch my breath
but not forgotten;

a life, a truth, her heart still beating
like my own, a personality so strong
it took my voice and breath away.

A memory of who we are, inhalation
A memory while we are,
Her breath shared with mine
Ghost of a lingering moment,
Just as quick forever gone
Eternally lingering equation.


NOTE: The poem numbers on these pages refer to position in the large anthology Calling Earth (link on separate page here). Sample poems shown here are chosen randomly from the book & in ascending order.

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