Quick Start Help
Top-Down Hierarchy. These linked websites are arranged in a top-down hierarchy in three simple tiers (levels).
Three Tiers (Levels). Top-most of three currently active tiers (levels) is the sites map (San Diego Writer dot com). All roads ultimately lead to the top or sites map. It's a sites map, not a site map, because I have over two dozen websites dedicated to my lifetime of writing and publishing. AT this time (March 2020) I have three main tiers (as indicated on the index page). Tier 0 is the sites map. Tier 1 is a group of eight (8) linked websites from my early days online (1996+).
Tier 0: the Sites Map (you are here). It's your quick guide, keeping it as simple as possible.
Tier 1: eight of my oldest sites including my personal John T. Cullen site, my reading library (Galley City), and Clocktower Books with Museum site. There is also a fun shopping mall. Several of these sites have subsidiary linked sites (all part of my webplex). Oldest sites date to 1996.
Tier 2: eight specialty sites. Several of these sites have subsidiary linked sites (all part of my webplex).
Tier 3: not yet publishedmaybe in development. Ignore for now.
Special Autumn Subplex Cluster. Please note that I created a special cluster of five websites to celebrate Autumn, a season the writer in me just *loves*! The Autumn link is above in the navigation bar. Click and start reading October Mood... good any time of year, but especially starting late August or early September when the mood starts hinting at Fall.
It's Really Easy! That covers the main thrust of it all for now. Nothing to be skayowed about. Just surf and enjoy reading. Remember: when lost, simply click your way back upward to Tier 0 (Sites Map: you are here). I continue working to make my webplex easier & more intuitive. Remember, friend: it's tiers, not tears; all in good fun.
Guide to Webplex, Navigation, etc.
Quick Help
NOTE March 2020: The information below is from an earlier quick guide. I've cleaned it up a bit. Some of the info is still useful, so I am keeping it.
Welcome To My Webplex. More about the webplex (linked sites, online since 1996) after this quick-start guide. Don't be skayowedjust surf and enjoy the reading. Remember: when lost, simply click your way back up to Tier 0 (Sites Map: you are here). I continue working to make my webplex easier & more intuitive. Remember, friend: it's tiers, not tears; all in good fun.
When lost, click the big icon (reclining goddess) at top of page. On any of my websites, that'll bring you back to the main (top, index, home) page for that site, so you can't get lost. No matter where you are, if you click the goddess, you'll return to the index page for that sub-site. NOTE: a few newer sites don't have the goddess, but the same rules generally apply. Still working on it. Thanks for your patience with any glitches.
Webplex: I call the whole magillah my Webplex. As you step downward in the navigation you will encounter a few subplexes (as I call subsidiary websites not on the main tiers or levels). For example, my Fiction subplex has several subplexes including for example the Mystery Novel website (also: San Diego Noir).
Welcome & Safety. Welcome to my webplex, online since 1996. Please be assured that I take no information of any kind (no data, no cookies, not even a breath mint). You are totally anonymous here. Please respect my privacy and safety as I respect yours. I have been an Amazon affiliate for over twenty years with no problems. No transactions of any kind take place on my web pages. If you buy a book or gift, you will follow a normal Amazon buy link to the Amazon website to look or shop. Again, welcome to my webplex and have a happy visit!
What's a Webplex? I've been an author, publisher, and magazine editor online for over 20 years (since 1990). In that time I have built (and deleted) many websites. All are written in simple HTML, with only two harmless old scripts (today's day and date, upper left of most pages; and a carousel in some places to alternate loading various book covers). No track, no hack.
Why a Webplex? Early on, I came to realize that I have a TON of material to share with readers. It became evident long ago that much of it on a single content-rich website tends to be lost, because most readers don't like to dig down deep.
Model Trains to Linked Websites.I enjoy building little websites, and it gives me a chance to inform many visitors about my writing. I think of these linked websites as a kind of toy train set (like the ones I enjoyed building as a child). Now it's websites instead of H-O or N-Gauge locomotives and cars. There are SEO trade-offs for sure; no one perfect way. This is my approach from over twenty years of website building. I don't really consider myself as a webmaster because I'm primarily an author. I don't use a lot of fancy tools, and I don't gather any data. I've been an Amazon affiliate since 1998, and that's probably the only external linkage at this time.
Who Dat? I've written and published nearly fifty books (usually print and ebook) by now, and am still at it. Sorry, no audio books (yet). On the nonfiction side, I use my journalism and academic background (BA, BBA, MSBA) to write informative and entertaining info and opinions. On the fiction side, I write across several genres (SFFH, suspense-thriller, historical fiction). I'm an Active Member of International Thriller Writers (ITW) and my San Diego small press imprint (Clocktower Books) is a recognized ITW publisher. Clocktower Books is distinct among small press publishers in having its own Bowker ISBN prefix (0-7433 or 978-07433).
Enjoy! You can send me a note if you have a comment. Positive interaction with good, pleasant humans always welcome; all others please just go away.