This page is still heavily in work but soon! JTC
John T. Cullen: List (BOOKS)
NOTE: NF means Nonfiction.
27duet (2 in 1: On Saint Ronan Street and Cymbalist Poems)
The Christmas Clock Ray Bradbury 2008 rave: "I loved your Clock!"
Blue Princess (formerly Pioneers)
CON2: The Generals of October (U.S. Constitution Thriller)
Coronado Mystery (2 books in one: Dead Move, Lethal Journey)
Cymbalist Poems
Dead Move
Doom Spore
Exogravitation (NF) Cosmology Updated: Standard to Ultimate Model
Far Wars (SF))
Girl, Unlocked (see Neon Blue, history's first HTML novel 1996)
Have Blue
Lantern Road
Lethal Journey
Mars the Divine
MH370 Africa
Mona Lisa Moon Goddess (Woman in the Moon)
Nebula Express
Neon Blue (Girl, Unlocked)
Night Shots (anthology mystery stories)
October Leaf
On Saint Ronan Street
Orbital Sniper (Doctor Night)
Orwell in Orbit 2084
Paris Affaire
Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D.
Romantic Novel (Librarian and Millionaire)
Runners (Escape from Prison World or Die)
Sator Arepo (Ancient Roman Enigma Solved)
Siberian Girl The World Is Round: Memories of Love & War 1942-92
Sibyl's Urn, The (temporarily out of print, pending revisions)
Starlight Deep Within a Gothic Sea (This Shoal of Space, et al.)
Summer Planets (Cosmopolis: City of the Universe)
Terror in my Arms
Up Late: The Argo 8 Anthology DarkSF Series
Uptime Jazz: 4 By Argo Anthology Empire of Time SF Series
Valley of Seven Castles (A Luxembourg Thriller)
Walk in Ancient Rome, A (unpublished/1st authorized edition soon CTB)
Woman in the Moon (Mona Lisa Novel)
Woman in the Sea (see This Shoal of Space)
YANAPOP Run For Your Life, a Love Story
Poetry Note: I have three collections out. One is October Leaf: 93 by Jean-Thomas Cullen available free to read now at Galley City, link above. Another is Cymbalist Poems, available to buy and soon to be free also (not yet). A third is Postcards to My Soul, also buy but not yet free read (soon). Of c. 400 poems total, I wrote almost all as a teenager or early 20s.JTC