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= My Nonfiction =

By John T. Cullen, Journalist: Books, Articles, Essays

click to open nonfiction page click to open nonfiction page NEWS: I have added several NONFICTION books at a special new page on Galley City. Readers can read these books free, in their entirety. They include my theory on EXOGRAVITATION (Science/Cosmology) and my interpretation of the ancient Roman SATOR SQUARE (History). Please click the links in this paragraph to visit the new NONFICTION page(s) at Galley City.

click to open nonfiction page click to open nonfiction page SATOR SQUARE: I have translated, interpreted, and explained the ancient Roman inscription found in key locations around the ancient empire. It was never a Christian artifact, nor was it some sort of curse or military code. Flush all those wild ideas and unsubstantiated fantasies down the drain. Readers with a knowledge of Latin and of History (especially ancient Roman and Hellenistic) will most likely find my theory plausible and substantial. The TENET palindrome in the inscription, for example, has zero connection with the Christian cross (which was a mark of shame and did not come into Christian iconography until around the time of Constantine). Rather, once we understand the simple but amazing real translation, we can make further connections: for example, to the common and all-important polytheistic augural cruciform vital to the design of cities and army camps, as well as augural readings. There are many other connections, including a back door to neo-Platonism and later Christian (European-Medieval) doctrines on free will, sin, and salvation—but the Sator Square predates Jesus by centuries.

…and there will be more coming soon!

I have written several nonfiction books plus many articles on a variety of topics, especially History and some Science. Most of my nonfiction resides at its own special, separate site in my webplex, separate from Galley City. As of late 2020 (Vision Year), I have been concentrating on gaining optimal exposure for my nonfiction, so that is why I am adding it to the Galley City website.

To read about all my nonfiction, please visit my click to open nonfiction page Interesting Nonfiction website—journalism & essays. Opens a separate link to my nonfiction website (which has at last two or three subsites of its own, all nonfiction). Those subsites include:

Exogravitation: My revolutionary new Cosmology theory about why a new understanding of gravitation will replace the black box concept of Dark Energy soon).

SATOR Enigma Solved At Last: My translation, interpretation, and historical context involving this ancient Roman artifact that has baffled scholars for centuries. This is as good a time as any to add this disclaimer: I am not a creationist, nor a conspiracy theorist, nor any other sort of fantasy monger. My ideas are solidly built upon real science and history documented by leading scholars. More info at the Galley City (new) Nonfiction page.

Beautiful Stranger 1892: Several of my books and articles about the famous 1892 true crime and resulting ghost legend about the fatal Beautiful Stranger at the Hotel del Coronado near San Diego.

Vanished: Flight MH370: My theory about what really happened in one of aviation's greatest mysteries, the strange and utter vanishing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 in March 2014. More good stuff coming soon. I received some serious interest on the back end, from a major U.S. Government agency after sending out review copies of my book in late 2014.

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